Wednesday 2 May 2012

Dota 2 Heroes


Heroes are the essential element of Dota 2, as the course of the game is dependent on their intervention. Players are split into two teams of 5, and can select a Hero from a selection panel. Heroes all have different play styles that stem from unique Skills and combinations ofAttributes. Over the course of the game, Heroes will accumulate Experience. Once a Hero has enough experience, they will level up, making them more powerful than before and allowing them to train new Skills. Most Heroes have a distinct Role that defines how they can affect the battlefield, though many Heroes can perform two or more of these Roles. Currently, 74 of the 108 heroes are playable in the main Dota 2 client.



[edit]List of Heroes

[edit]Strength Heroes Icon Str.png

Strength Heroes are tough warriors and can withstand more damage than other Heroes. Because of their high Strength, these Heroes have the greatest natural Health and can regenerate quickly, keeping them in the fight and dealing damage. Strength Heroes can fit a variety of roles, and are almost always Melee Heroes.
Radiant icon.png RadiantDire icon.png Dire
A real force of nature, Earthshaker uses earth-splitting Fissures, strong disables, and his signature Echo Slam to decimate his foes.
A powerful tank that forces the enemy's attention towards him, Axe taunts his enemies and uses his Culling Blade to instantly kill injured Heroes.
Sven charges into battle, striking many foes at once and doubling his damage output with his mighty God's Strength.
More meat than man, Pudge's long range Meat Hook reels an enemy in, letting him immobilize and Dismember his foes.
Big things come in little packages - Tiny can cause Avalanches at a whim, Throw his targets through the air, and Grow to immense sizes.
Sand King
Striking as many enemies as possible, Sand King burrows into opponents, capable of unleashing a powerful earthquake with his Epicenter.
Dealing massive damage with his Tidebringer, Kunkka summons Torrents of water and even a mighty Ghost Ship to crash into enemies.
Slardar enjoys Bashing his opponents to the ground, keeping them stunned, and making them vulnerable with his Amplify Damage ability.
Wild and dangerous, Beastmaster calls upon ferocious allies to scout and hunt, and causes chaos among enemies with a Primal Roar.
Tougher than the seas themselves, Tidehunter reduces the damage of his foes and stuns many enemies with his Ravage.
Dragon Knight
Dragon Knight tips the scales by stunning his foes and breathing fire, and taps his draconic heritage to unleash his Elder Dragon Form.
Skeleton King
The Skeleton King is neither brief nor cowardly, utilizing brute strength against his enemies and Reincarnating should he fall.
A mechanical nightmare, Clockwerk uses flares and cogs to damage enemies and closes in with his trusty Hookshot.
Fearsome and dangerous, Lifestealer Feasts upon his foes as he attacks them and Infests Creeps to Consume them whole.
Fear nothing! Omniknight turns the tide of battles with strong heals and buffs, calling upon his Guardian Angel to make his allies invulnerable.
Night Stalker
When the sun sets, Night Stalker rises. Fast and agile at night, he stalks his prey relentlessly, even forcing the world into Darkness at a whim.
Sacrifice is strength, and Huskar puts that strength to use. Channeling pain into power, Huskar annihilates enemies with his powerful Life Break.
Doom Bringer
Destructive and powerful, Doom Bringer Devours weaker enemies whole and rains Doom down upon an enemy, ensuring their demise.
Alchemist is a chemically fueled powerhouse, hurling Unstable Concoctions at his foes and sending his Ogre into a Chemical Rage.
Spirit Breaker
Capable of quickly disabling and killing lone targets, Spirit Breaker charges into enemies and devastates them with powerful bashes.
Drunk and aggressive, Brewmaster smashes the ground with thunder clap and splits into 3 elements during Primal Split.
A ferocious and deadly shapeshifter, Lycanthrope summons powerful wolves, and grants his entire team damage with his fearful Howl.

[edit]Agility Heroes Icon Agi.png

Agility Heroes are finessed and dexterous, masters of weapons and fighting techniques. These Heroes have high attack speed andArmor, and focus on using their regular attacks and any Items they have, but can fall back on their abilities in a pinch. Agility Heroes will often be played as carry and gank roles, because of how well they scale.

Radiant icon.png RadiantDire icon.png Dire
Elusive and deadly, Anti-Mage Blinks through combat, using his Mana Break to harass enemy casters and then finishing them with his Mana Void.
Thirsty for blood, Bloodseeker will chase down heavily damaged enemies, healing himself for each unit he kills and Rupturing foes that try to escape.
Drow Ranger
Drow Ranger is an incredible archer, slowing targets with Frost Arrows and Silencing dangerous ones, while using her Marksmanship to grant her agility.
Shadow Fiend
Shadow Fiend blasts his enemies with his powerful Shadowraze, consuming their mortal coil and unleashing with his Requiem of Souls.
Juggernaut attacks with a flurry of blades, spinning into enemies with Blade Fury and crushing enemies with a fierce Omnislash.
Quick as lightning, Razor can channel the electricity in him to sap the strength of his enemies and even call upon the Eye of the Storm.
Mirana is a skilled huntress, hitting enemies with well timed Arrows and calling upon powerful Starstorms that strikes every opponent near her.
The Venomancer summons lethal Plague Wards, poisons enemies with a Venomous Gale, and infects all nearby foes with his Poison Nova.
As versatile as the tides, Morphling takes on whatever form it needs for battle, even Replicating enemy Heroes and shaping them in its image.
Faceless Void
Time stops for no man, except Faceless Void. He manipulates time to hinder enemies and avoid harm, trapping foes in a timeless Chronosphere.
Vengeful Spirit
Crippling enemies with stuns and debuffs, Vengeful Spirit risks all, even using Nether Swap to place both her and her target in harm's way.
Tormented by a longevity spell that backfired horribly, Clinkz is eager to get his revenge, and will do so by strafing his enemies with Searing Arrows.
Silent as smoke, Riki stalks the battlefield using cunning and stealth to Backstab enemies under the veil of his Permanent Invisibility.
Striking from above, Viper pins down singular targets, almost completely stopping them in their tracks with his deadly Viper Strike.
Sniper is one with his rifle, blasting his enemies with incredible accuracy and Assassinating rivals from impossible distances.
Broodmother summons her bloodthirsty Spiderlings and Spins Webs to conceal her own presence, striking her enemies with Insatiable Hunger.
Bounty Hunter
A powerful ganker, Gondar the Bounty Hunter places bounties on the heads of his enemies and Tracks them to ensure a swift death.
A hit-and-run carry, Weaver relies on great speed and invisibility to counter his fragility while keeping his enemy at bay.
Ursa is a powerful beast that deals more damage the more he attacks and can fly into a Frenzy, letting him take on even the mighty Roshan.
Deadly at close range, Spectre flings Spectral Daggers at her enemies to chase them and uses her Haunt to surprise and instantly jump to her foes.
Lone Druid
An exile with a sacred purpose, Sylla fights alongside his trusted Spirit Bear, with the ability to morph into powerful melee beast himself in order to destroy his foes.

[edit]Intelligence Heroes Icon Int.png

Intelligence Heroes are masters of spells and abilities. They tend to have larger Mana pools, and much greater Mana regeneration than other Heroes. Because of this, they often rely on their abilities to help allies and harm enemies, rather than physical attacks. Most of all Intelligence heroes are fragile. Intelligence Heroes are often played for supportgank, and pusher roles.

Radiant icon.png RadiantDire icon.png Dire
Crystal Maiden
Crystal Maiden entraps her enemies in ice and blasts opponents with a wave of frost while restoring mana to her whole team.
Chilled to the core, Lich summons waves of ice to damage enemies, sacrifices his creeps for mana, and annihilates his opponents with Chain Frost.
Mischief and merryment, Puck silences foes with choking dust, shifts in and out of existence, and ensnares rivals in volatile coils.
With sheer rage, Lion impales enemies with shards of stone, transforms opponents into frogs, and turns insolent foes inside out with one touch.
Storm Spirit
Storm Spirit blows his foes away with explosive decoys and pulls them into an electrical vortex, then ricochets past enemies at lightning speed.
Witch Doctor
The Witch Doctor turns the tide of battle, launching casks of paralyzing powder, healing his nearby allies, and summoning deadly wards from beyond.
Windrunner is fast and devastating, a master of arrows and quick on her feet, using her versatile skillset to great advantage.
Puzzling as anything, Enigma bends the nature of the universe itself to summon mysterious Eidolons, dark magic, and even a Black Hole.
High and mighty, Zeus summons down thunderous bolts of lightning to smite his enemies and arc between them, calling down his wrath from anywhere.
Like a horrible disease, Necrolyte's pestilence spreads, draining the life out of nearby enemies, and mowing them down with his Reaper's Scythe.
Lina calls upon the power of fire to cinder her enemies, scorching the earth with pillars of fire and frying rivals with bolts of energy.
A master of the arts of magic, Warlock calls upon healing and destruction with a whisper, and rains down a fiery demon onto enemies.
Shadow Shaman
Calling forth devastating shadow magic, Shadow Shaman shackles enemies in place, transforms them into chickens, and summons snake-like wards.
Queen of Pain
Seductive, yet lethal, Queen of Pain teleports in and out of combat, and lets loose hellish screams in a Sonic Wave.
With a skip and a jump, Enchantress calls the creatures of the woods to her side, summoning healing wisps and slowing her adversaries.
Death Prophet
A powerful caster, Death Prophet can Silence her foes and unleash swarms of bats at her targets, then unleash deadly spirits with a powerful Exorcism.
Nature's Prophet
Defender of nature, Nature's Prophet can summon trees to trap enemies, turn trees into powerful armies, and unleash the wrath of the trees. Trees!
Pugna's wrath knows no bounds, as he unleashes explosive Nether Blasts, zaps enemies with wards, and Decrepifies any foolish opponents.
Always improving himself, Tinker blinds his foes with intense Lasers, fires off Heat-Seeking Missiles, and can Rearm himself at will.
Dazzle calls upon the power of the Nothl Realm, bending dark and light to heal allies and ward off death while harming his opponents.
The essence of fire and ice, this two-headed dragon Jakiro manipulates them to sear enemies with Liquid Fire and freeze them solid.
Being torn from the heart of nature, Leshrac calls upon his power to twist the world, spiking and blasting enemies however he chooses.
The symbol of faith, Chen uses his magic to test any infidels, convert animals to aid his cause, and give his allies a helping hand.
Dark Seer
As cunning as he could be, Dark Seer uses prismatic energy from his realm to move quickly about the battlefield, spreading confusion in his wake.
With his draining curse, preventive aura, and powerful glaives, Silencer proves that silence can be deadly.
High in the sky, Batrider cruises in on his targets, covering them in Sticky Napalm and unleashing a flurry of fiery attacks.
Ancient Apparition
The frozen ice that has existed forever, Ancient Apparition's presence enables him to chill his enemies to the bone for huge damage.
The master of elements, Invoker is able to combine the essence of them to unleash devastating spells upon those who oppose him.
Outworld Destroyer
Full of malignant intellect, the Outworld Destroyer crushes his intellectually inferior opponents with powerful spells.
The very representation of fear and nightmares, Bane possesses dark and sinister abilities that he uses to cripple and disable multiple foes at once.
Shadow Demon
The malevolent Shadow Demon uses his arsenal of curses and poisons to bring mayhem amongst the enemy ranks.

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