Dota 2 - SF (Nevermore)

Shadow Fiend

Shadow Fiend
Shadow Fiend.png
Dire icon.png The Dire
15 + 2
20 + 2.9
18 + 2
Hit Points43510431727
Attacks / Second0.70.971.22
Movement Speed305
Sight Range1800/800
Attack Range500
Missile Speed1200
Attack Duration0.5+0.54
Cast Duration0.67+0.4
Base Attack Time1.7
Nevermore the Shadow Fiend is a ranged agility Hero possessing abilities that inflict superb burst damage from varying distances. Whether near or far, Shadow Fiend is able to release incredible offensive power, both physical and magical. Shadow Fiend's true power comes from the souls he takes, thus, he is more dangerous every time he kills. With enough souls, he can release all of the captured souls in a devastating burst, dealing more damage to enemies that are closer to him. Shadow Fiend is a carry who is powerful at all stages of the game, a trait something most carries don't have. He can harass and conquer early game, set out and kill unsuspecting Heroes during the mid stages, and unleash more power and dominate other Heroes late game.
Due to Nevermore's versatility as a carry Hero, it is possible for him to dominate the opposing team at any point. However, his strong dependence on good last hitting and positioning of his skills may prove to be problematic for new players; without those, he is entirely useless. Not to mention, he is fairly squishy and has no natural escape mechanisms, making it easy for new players to die and lose those hard earned souls. A good Nevermore player knows the dangers of each skill an opponent has; newer players might be oblivious to impending doom, and can easily make mistakes. Once a few deaths pile up, his role as a carry can be easily lost, causing Nevermore to become deadweight. He is recommended for high-intermediate to advanced players with a supporting team.




Shadow Fiend Nevermore, the Shadow Fiend
"It's now or Nevermore."
Role:Carry / Nuker
Lore:It is said that Shadow Fiend has the soul of a poet, and in fact he has thousands of them. Over the ages he has claimed the souls of poets, priests, emperors, beggars, slaves, philosophers, criminals and (naturally) heroes; no sort of soul escapes him. What he does with them is unknown. No one has ever peered into the Abysm whence Shadow Fiend reaches out like an eel from among astral rocks. Does he devour them one after another? Does he mount them along the halls of an eldritch temple, or pickle the souls in necromantic brine? Is he merely a puppet, pushed through the dimensional rift by a demonic puppeteer? Such is his evil, so intense his aura of darkness, that no rational mind may penetrate it. Of course, if you really want to know where the stolen souls go, there's one sure way to find out: Add your soul to his collection. Or just wait for Nevermore.


Not blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Shadowraze icon.png
No TargetMagical
Shadow Fiend razes the area in front of him, dealing damage to enemy units in an area.
Range: 200(Q)/450(W)/700(E)
Radius: 250
Damage: 75/150/225/300
Cooldown 10Mana 75
Nevermore's trademark for harvesting souls.
  • When Shadowraze is learned, three independent skills will be given to Shadow Fiend, each one generating a Shadowraze at a specific distance in front of him.
Necromastery icon.png
Shadow Fiend steals the soul from units he kills, gaining bonus damage. If the killed unit is a hero, he gains 6 souls. On death, he releases half of them from bondage.
Maximum souls: 12/20/28/36
Bonus damage per soul: 2
Harvested souls swirl in and out of the Abysm, empowering the Shadow Fiend to increase the size of his collection.
  • Denies, neutral creeps, and buildings also provide bonus damage through Necromastery.
  • The soul (with its 500 movement speed) must reach Nevermore before providing its bonus damage.
  • The more souls Shadow Fiend has, the more powerful Requiem of Souls will be.
Presence of the Dark Lord
Not blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Presence of the Dark Lord icon.png
Shadow Fiend's presence reduces the armor of nearby enemies.
Radius: 900
Armor Reduction: 2/3/4/5
Even being near Nevermore eats away at one's soul.
  • Fully stacks with other armor reduction abilities and auras (like Amplify Damage,Gush, etc.).
Requiem of Souls
Partially blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Requiem of Souls icon.png
No TargetMagical
Captured souls are released to deal massive damage, as well as slowing and reducing the attack damage of nearby enemy units. Requiem of Souls creates one wave of damage for every 2 souls stored by Necromastery. The closest enemy units are hit the hardest. Requiem has a 1 second cast time before it is activated.
Damage Radius: 1375/1425/1475
Damage Per Line: 80/120/160
Slow Radius: 700
Slow Duration: 5
Slow and Attack Damage Reduction: 15%/20%/25%
Cooldown 120/110/100Mana 150/175/200
Partially blocked by Linken's Sphere. Starts cooldown but spell is in no way blocked.
The captured souls of those past slain are released to ravage their former allies.
  • The amount of damage dealt is related to the number of souls captured with Necromastery.
  • Requiem of Souls generates damaging lines around Nevermore, 1 per 2 souls stored, for a maximum of 18 lines.
  • The closer the targeted unit is, the greater the number of lines hit it.
  • Reduces both movement speed and attack damage of units in a 675 radius.
  • This ability can give full damage if Shadow Fiend is in the very centre of the body of the enemy by using Shadow Blade or Phase Boots.
  • This ability breaks invisibility a short time before it's released.
  • When using Shadow Blade Shadow Fiend will not get revealed during the cast time. (Does not work with "Invisibility Rune")

[edit]Recommended Items

  • Slippers and branches add much needed damage for a better last hit, while the healing items are simply there in case of harass. Nevermore cannot function well at the middle lane if someone else has not bought a courier; if you have to buy it yourself, then do so.
  • Magic Stick, Treads, and Wraith Bands are fairly obvious choices; getting a Magic Stick takes priority over the other two, however, as the extra burst mana and health is crucial for razes.
  • Your first true core is either going to be Blink Dagger/Shadow Blade versus Black King Bar, both a matter of situation. A Blink Dagger/Shadow Blade allows Nevermore to gank easier, and also creating an early escape mechanism and mobility tool. However, the Immunity status granted from BKB allows uninterrupted razes and Requiem of Soul, provided you don't get stunned or ensnared. It also allows for easier tower pushes. Which order you purchase them is determined by your judgement of the situation.
  • If your farm is going well, and if armor reduction synergizes with your team, (such as Dazzle's Weave) consider an early Desolator for extreme amounts of damage; this also means skilling Presence of the Dark Lord instead of getting stats after Level 11 as well.
  • Assault Curiass, Monkey King Bar, and Butterfly are common items for Agility Carries, adding damage and increased attack speed. Consider a Manta Style as well.


  • Blink Dagger is usually built to help position your Ultimate and Razes, as well as add an escape/chasing mechanism. Shadow Bladeis an easier to build, and simpler alternative, but lacks the instant initiation like a blink dagger will do; it is also countered with invisibility detection.
  • Shadow Raze and Necromastery should be maxed before skilling Requiem, as the first one is your main nuke and Requiem doesnt do much damage without full souls.
  • While laning, try to use Shadow Raze to harass your opponent as well as kill creeps.
  • If you get killed, you can easily restore your souls by razing jungle creep camps or razing/denying lane creeps.
  • Always fill up your souls as soon as possible and avoid dying by all means.
  • In team fights, after you get Dagger, let someone else initiate and blink in and Requiem when the enemies are crumpled up.


  • Shadow Fiend's alternate/fun name in Dota Allstars was "YaphetS", name of a professional Dota player and a legendary user of Nevermore.
  • Voice responses between Shadow Fiend, Shadow Demon and Doom Bringer suggests that SF was once a servant or pet of the two

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